Monday 14 May 2012

silence silences...

"Silence is better off than words"....
As goes the adage.Indeed,at times,where words fail to express,silence
speaks volumes.The serenity of a calm lake is beyond science,the
piousness of nature is transient.'Silence is unconquerable'.A being
craves for silence,away from his mandatory daily-life
humdrums.Ironiically,silence lies within each one of us. Meditation is
another key to silence,yoga is one.Silence lies within nature.Nature
lies withinn silence.The graveyard silence after a demise is the
epitome of peace mixed with a bit of blue.When a loved one bids us
farewell in the long term,we are silent,which shows our love for the
one and rays of hope that his soul may rest in peace.One can feel and
sense this silence.One can distinguish between stillness of a
landscape and the stagnation before a storm hits.
Again...beyond science.
The silence in an examination hall is mixed with a hue of
mind-boggling noises and tensions in the environment.
The love-ly silence between hour-long chats of a girl and a boy is
coupled with love,with something unspoken that didn't go unnoticed
silence can be the key to rule out the pessimism that gyves one's
soul.A being who ponders over his own weaknesses and strengths would
naturally polish his "being" and would think of the world as his home
and eventually lead to improvement.
Amid the pendulum-like life that we lead today,we dont even halt for a
moment to look into ourselves,society is just out of question.
I once read-"Take care of the small things,and the big things will
fall into place".
Have a place of solitary,a word with yourself,an insight into your
heart and you can do wonders.
SILENCE is magical...
It has the strength to build,and the guts to destroy.
The person who finds the perfect balance between silence and
words,would lead a thoughtful and organised life,and ofcourse,would
earn a great good amount of joy.

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